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WGS students pose in front of a mural in Chicago.

Student Life

On-Campus Involvement

Getting involved with registered student organizations (RSOs) is key to exploring, enjoying and enhancing the college experience. By joining an RSO students broaden their perspective, expand their social circle and, at times, choose their major and/or career based on their experiences. ISU has over 300 RSOs. For more information about RSOs at ISU, please visit the ISU Dean of Students Office webpage.

  • Iota Iota Iota (Triota) Honor Society

    Illinois State University's Delta Phi chapter of Iota Iota Iota (Triota) was established in 2017. The Greek letter, iota, was represents the three goddesses Inana, Ishtar, and Isis. Iota Iota Iota strives to maintain the feminist values central to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and encourage diversity, egalitarianism, and supportive academic environment for all students. Students may join Triota if they have 1) have declared or are in the process of declaring a WGSS minor, 2) have completed/are currently enrolled in a WGSS class, and 3) have at least a 3.00 cumulative GPA. For more information, check out Triota at ISU information!

  • The Feminist Led Activist Movement to Empower

    The Feminist Led Activist Movement to Empower (F.L.A.M.E.) is an RSO that promotes student activism around issues of gender and its intersections. For more information and events, please visit the F.L.A.M.E. Facebook page.


    ISU PRIDE is an RSO that promotes and preserves a safe political, social, and educational forum for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and allied (LGBTQIA2+) students, faculty, staff, and members of the community.

  • ISU Drag Royalty

    Drag Royalty is a nonprofit student-led organization dedicated to keeping the fabulous art of drag performance alive by honoring our history both as queer people and as drag artists, by taking pride in who we are and what we share with our ISU community, and by committing to the continuous improvement of our art form with each and every performance.

  • Secondary Dominance

    Secondary Dominance is ISU's premier women's a cappella ensemble. Established in 2004, the girls have been delighting audiences with their instrument-free peformances on campus and around the Bloomington-Normal community. They perform a range of music and arrange the majority of it themselves. For more information, visit the Secondary Dominance Facebook page.

  • Office of Diversity and Inclusion

    The Office of Diversity and Inclusion is committed to building bridges between groups; developing understanding, appreciation, and respect; as well as celebrating the diversity of the members of the University community. Diversity Advocacy is responsible for initiating and encouraging programs and services that contribute to a broader understanding of diversity at Illinois State University. For more information, please visit the website for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion located with the Multicultural Center.

  • Division of Student Affairs

    The Division of Student Affairs is made up of twelve departments that strive to influence the campus culture to achieve student engagement, inclusion, and pride in Illinois State University (ISU). Whether your focus is to develop leadership skills, make new friends, participate in service opportunities, or get involved in a host of other programs and activities, their goal is for students to be successful and make the most of their ISU experience.

  • Multicultural Center

    While the Illinois State community awaits the completion of the new Multicultural Center at 301 S. Main Street, staff of the center are already working across campus to empower students to learn about and embrace their intersecting identities and position the campus community to champion antiracism, equity, and justice. Learn more about the mission and vision of the Multicultural Center.

  • Student Health Services

    For information about counseling services available to students on campus, please visit the Student Counseling Services website.


    Join us in ending period stigma and period poverty. We strive to do this through service, education, and advocacy. Such as distributing period products to those in need, educating menstruators and allies about information surrounding menstruation equity, and advocating for systematic change. We focus on using gender neutral language to include all people who menstruate.

  • Planned Parenthood Generation Action ISU

    Planned Parenthood Generation Action is a network of young activists across the country who organize events on their campuses and in their communities to:

    • Mobilize advocates for reproductive freedom
    • Raise public awareness about reproductive health and rights
    • Educate young people about sexual health
    • Create lasting change in their communities

    With more than 350 campus groups across the country, Planned Parenthood Generation Action is harnessing the power, energy, and enthusiasm of young people to fight for reproductive freedom and for fundamental justice for all.

  • Students Ending Rape Culture - SERC

    Students Ending Rape Culture (SERC) is a RSO that seeks to educate the campus community about sexual violence, raise visibility of rape culture, and support and empower survivors of interpersonal violence.

  • P Power ISU

    The purpose of this organization is to create and promote an emotionally stable space, unconditionally. Through providing sanctuary, coalition, and consideration, we make it our mission to show that women, more specifically WOC, all deserve a place to decompress by hosting workshops and discussion panels.

Off-Campus Involvement